So Tim being the HUGE Halloween guy... we decided to visit one of these amusement park freight nights before we head back to Europe... so off we went to Atlanta...
We took Friday off and started our drive late morning.... it was going GREAT with little man man until the DVD player broke... oh, curses.... that was an awful hour or so at the end... He did nap for a bit, but not long.

So we arrived late and decided just to hit the hotel... we always try to stay at Drury Inns when we travel with the dogs.... they're so pet friendly. We got dinner and off to sleepie bye!
Saturday we slept in and headed over to the Harrisons for visit. They were so nice to get Alex a bday gift, but as you can see... the boys had more fun with the paper! Of course!... then off we went to Fright Nite at Six Flags... good times, but LOADS of people... wow it was crowded... It took Tim and Allene close to two hours to get on one adult ride... needless to say, that was the only one they did.... boys had a grand time.

Back to hotel around 10 and sleep in the next morning. Up and back to the Harrisons where we decide to hit the Pumpkin Patch, Hay ride... nice time and very beautiful!

Night ended with some Allene bday dinner and cake... Happy birthday auntie Allene and thank you for the wonderful wkend....
Oh, forgot to mention we hit a Target and bought another DVD player... no way to make that drive without that... and home we came today. Great Weekend!